Context Matters

Becoming People Who Do Justice

Episode Summary

Dr. Michael Rhodes. He is a professor in Old Testament at Carey Baptist College in Aukland, New Zealand. He is the author of Formative Feasting and Practicing the King's Economy. This week we talk about the motivation for his most recent book called Just Discipleship.

Episode Notes

Is it possible that Western Christianity and modern American life is shaping us to become people who are NOT good at doing justice, and loving mercy, and showing kindness? We know of such concepts but do we embody such concepts in the world around us? This week kicks off a several week conversation with scholars about different aspects of discipleship. We start today with a fellow Old Testament scholar, Dr. Michael Rhodes. He is a professor in Old Testament at Carey Baptist College in Aukland, New Zealand. He is the author of Formative Feasting and Practicing the King's Economy

We start with the impetus for his new book Just Discipleship, which you can find HERE.  

What is biblical justice? Is it different from other forms of justice? 

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